Dear Customer,
As someone
who has purchased or rated books by Peter Mair, you might like to know that Ruling
the Void: The Hollowing of Western Democracy will be released on March 2,
2009. You can pre-order yours by following the link below.
Ruling the Void: The
Hollowing of Western Democracy
Peter Mair
Release Date: March 2, 2009
Product Description
A leading
expert asks if democracy can survive without political parties.
The argument that Western democracy is being hollowed out, as political
participation declines and party allegiance weakens, is now widely cited. Yet
the indicators can be uncertain and until now there hasn't been a
comprehensive comparative study. Ruling the Void analyzes democratic
trends over the last few decades, in Europe and America, and argues that
there are two complementary processes at work. Popular disengagement, and the
withdrawal of political elites from a representative role, are both
contributing to the death of the political party—and with it the
characteristic form of Western democracy. This landmark study will become a
reference point for anyone interested in the future of representative