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sooner out of the starting blocks on a rerun of the Mideast peace process than
an avalanche threatens to close the road. This time it is not the Palestinians
and the long-running shell game whose champion player was the late Yasser
Arafat. Israeli commentators already refer to the gathering storm as "the third
Writing in Yediot Ahronot, a leading Israeli newspaper, Nahum Barnea expects
in the coming months, "a furious, hurt community ... prepared to take violent
action and a leadership that is forced to line up behind the threats of the
militants. This is a dangerous game of brinksmanship and judging by past
experience, is liable to end up in disaster."
Writing in the same paper, Dalia Rabin, the late prime minister's daughter,
said: "Wake up before it is too late. If we don't [act now] to stop the
deterioration, we will once again witness the horrible spectacle of the murder
of another prime minister." Next fall will mark the 10th anniversary of the
assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, which was preceded by the same hate rhetoric now
echoing throughout Israel.
Jane's Foreign Report, the authoritative weekly intelligence digest, says
hundreds of Orthodox rabbis, including some in the armed forces, have called on
Israeli Defense Force soldiers to refuse to uproot Gaza and the West Bank
The movement "Defensive Shield" claims to have collected 10,000 pledges of
soldiers and reservists to refuse orders to dismantle any of 21 Gaza and 145
West Bank settlements. They house 8,200 and 243,000 Jewish settlers
"Israel's army, long considered one of the main pillars of the Jewish state
and a great social equalizer, is in grave danger of being politicized," said
Foreign Report. It has been infiltrated by rightwingers for more than a decade
-- Orthodox seminary graduates and hard-line settlers. Some estimates have
diehard rightwingers at 30 percent of the IDF officer corps.
Outgoing Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon, 54, who was not given the almost
routine one-year extension to the normal three-year term, has already publicly
warned the army may fall apart over forcible evacuation of settlers. About a
dozen reserve battalions are to be mobilized during the Israeli disengagement
from Gaza, which begins next July. Shin Bet (internal security) chief Avi
Dichter warned at the start of the year "rightwing extremists and diehard
settlers were planning to provoke bloodshed when the army moves in to evacuate
There were also warnings of possible plots to attack Islam's third holiest
shrine, the Al Aqsa Mosque to provoke Palestinians into retaliation and sabotage
the Gaza disengagement plan.
When the Knesset last week approved the Gaza settlements' dismantling, it
set aside $1 billion for resettlement. Many settlers plan to move to West Bank
colonies that will also have to be removed if a viable Palestinian state is to
be created. But Edward Abington, a former U.S. consul general in Jerusalem who
now advises the Palestinian Authority, said settlement expansion was "proceeding
at a very rapid pace all over the West Bank. They are encircling East Jerusalem
with settlements and roads only settlers can use."
Seventeen members of Prime Minister Sharon's Likud Party voted against the
Gaza withdrawal. One began a roll call of Jews set to "deportation," adding
after each name "Jew, designated for expulsion." But far leftwing and Arab
parties rushed into the breach and saved the day for Mr. Sharon.
West Bank and Gaza rabbis say the Torah forbids Jews from abandoning any
part of the biblical lands, and the settlers are duty bound to resist. Settlers
wearing Star of David armbands, reminiscent of what Adolf Hitler's Brownshirts
forced Jews to wear, have handed out leaflets calling Sharon "Hitler's partner."
Rowdies have already roughed up Cabinet ministers, some of whom even
received death threats aimed at their children. M.J. Rosenberg's weekly
newsletter says Transportation Minister Meir Sheetrit, who lost a child to
cancer, was told he would soon attend funerals of his remaining children and
that his late daughter's death was God's punishment for his ideology.
The Yesha Council, the settler movement's leadership, has endorsed a call to
resist evacuation through civil disobedience. The fear is it won't stop there.
On her first trip to the Middle East as secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice
signaled the U.S. expected concessions from the Sharon government to help build
a democratic Palestine. She called this "hard decisions." That clearly meant the
U.S. expected more than the evacuation of Gaza and four insignificant illegal
outposts in the northern West Bank.
Little did Miss Rice realize how even a no-brainer like the Gaza evacuation
could trigger something as huge as a third intifada.
Arnaud de Borchgrave is editor at large of The
Washington Times and of United Press