Artículo de
Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed en “Asharq Al- Awsat” del 14-8-06
Por su interés y
relevancia he seleccionado el artículo que sigue para incluirlo en este sitio
referencia de este artículo y otros de igual relevancia la he obtenido del blog
del “NUEVO
DIGITAL”. (L. B.-B.)
Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed is the general manager of Al -Arabiya
television. Mr. Al Rashed is also
the former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al- Awsat, and the leading Arabic weekly magazine, Al Majalla. He is also a senior Columnist in the daily
newspapers of Al Madina and Al Bilad.
He is a US post-graduate degree in mass communications. He has been a guest on
many TV current affairs programs. He is
currently based in Dubai.
Con un breve comentario
al final:
TOTALITARISMO (L. B.-B., 17-8-06, 11:30)
Many of us are only concerned with reputation and image, our image in
the media, and the reputation of the Muslims in the world, but they do not care
about reforming the original source, their children.
When US President George W. Bush described those who plotted to kill
thousands of passengers in ten airliners as Muslim fascists, protests from a
number of Islamic societies in the west and the east were voiced against this
What is wrong with using a bad adjective to describe a terrorist as long
as he is willing to personally call himself an Islamist; declares his stance,
schemes, and aims; while his supporters publicly call for killing of those whom
they consider infidels, or disagree with them religiously or politically.
The strange thing is that the protesting groups, which held a press
conference, would better have held it to denounce the deeds of those affiliated
to Islam, who harmed all Muslims and Islam.
Bush did not say that the Muslims were fascists; he said that the Muslim
fascists were the problem, i.e. he distinguished between an extremist group and
the general innocent peaceful Muslims. Yes, fascism is a word that has bad
connotations, and is used here to approximate the meaning to the listeners. The
westerners know that fascism is an extremist nationalist movement, which
emerged from the European society, and was responsible for destructive wars
caused by its premises, which are based on discrimination, racism and hatred.
This approximation is correct when you apply it to the literature of the
Islamic extremists. The same as the Europeans fought fascism and the fascists
by word and by gunpowder, the world will fight the extremist Islamists. This is
what the good Muslims, who are at the forefront of those hunting down Al-Qaeda,
do; the same as the Muslim who exposed the latest conspiracy to hijack the
airliners, when he hastened to inform the security authorities when he
suspected what was happening in the neighborhood.
This is why I do not understand what those people - who want to protect
reputation and image from the westerners - want to call the Muslim extremists
who resort to violence? Do they want to call them Khawarij
(The earliest Islamic sect, which traces its beginning to a religious-political
controversy over the Caliphate)? The problem is that no one (in the west)
understands its historical meaning. Do they call them by their names only, such
as Osama, Ayman, Muhammad, and Zamani?
Do they call them according to the sarcastic Egyptian way: "people who
should remain nameless?"
Describing them as fascists in the west is better than all the bad
adjectives that rightly or wrongly have been attributed to them. This is
because as far as the westerners are concerned, fascism means a specifically
defined group that still lives within their societies, is from their ethnic
groups and religion, and hence distinguishes between them and the others.
What is more important than preoccupation with preserving the image is
to rectify the situation, and to confront the extremists among us. The majority
of the westerners did not know anything about Islam and Muslims until Bin
Laden, Al-Zawahiri, Muhammad Ata, and the culprits of
the London explosions called themselves Islamists, and started to use the Koran
and the Islamic historical nomenclatures. You cannot call the Red Brigades
Movement anything g other than what they call themselves, and there is no escape
from calling them Italian communists; the same applies to the National Front in
Britain, which is described as a Nazi and fascist movement.
At the end, describing rotten apples as rotten does not make the people
hate eating good apples. The same applies to the Muslims; there are one billion
Muslims in the world, and the world has no option other than dealing with them,
and hunting down the evil minority among them. We have wasted a long time since
the seventies in being preoccupied with protesting against nomenclatures and
images. This is despite the fact that these people hijack civilian airliners,
kill people in restaurants, and justify their actions by using pan-Arab or
Islamic descriptions. To describe a Muslim as terrorist is natural if he is a terrorist,
the same as you do with a Colombian drug smuggler, an Italian Mafioso, a
Russian butcher, a British Nazi, or a US right-wing extremist.
Breve comentario final:
TOTALITARISMO (L. B.-B., 17-8-06, 11:30)
sería más preciso decir que son totalitarios igual que fascistas y comunistas.
La diferencia reside en que el fundamentalismo es teocrático, y por tanto
invade muchos más ambitos de la conciencia. Pero al
mismo tiempo, al basarse en una exacerbación de la religión tradicional y en
las estructuras religiosas del islamismo, no necesita aplicar una represión
interna "ex novo", apoyada en un partido
totalitario de nueva creación e implantación. Le basta con los clérigos y las
creencias establecidas, aunque radicalizadas: la sharia
se impone a toda la sociedad desde el poder político, y la yihad como
liberación espiritual individual se transforma en guerra externa al infiel, por
ejemplo. Pero los tres totalitarismos constituyen religiones políticas, proyectos
de creación de sociedades unánimes y expansivas en forma de Reich,
"Revolución mundial", Imperio o Califato. Los infieles, razas
inferiores y disidentes ya sabían --saben, sabemos--- lo que nos espera si no
espabilamos. Significativamente, el fundamentalismo, al basarse en las
estructuras tradicionales, no necesita aplicar un nivel de represión interna
tan alto como el fascismo o comunismo, pero externamente su rasgo esencial es
el sometimiento de las sociedades infieles por el terror y la guerra.