S. A. Rehman me ha hecho el honor de mandarme estos tres mensajes para su publicación. Así lo hago, con respeto y esperanza (L. B.-B., 1-9-06)
El formateado es mío (L. B.-B.)
Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters,
God forbid if any one of our near one and dear one is killed then the killer is evil, a beast and what not and should get penalty but if one among us
kills anybody then he is not evil and we start lying, denying or even justifying the killing.... double standards?
Being Muslims, many of our brothers and sisters are not working for peace. They are misguided, mistaken and spreading the virus of hatred and
revenge through telling deliberate lies, disinformation and false accusations, which is resulting in death and miseries for number of innocent people
living around the world at the hands of merciless KILLER MUSLIMS and also bringing bad name to Mohammed (PBUH) who never killed
anyone in his life time.
Instead of teaching about Good & Evil, certain Radical Muslim Clerics are only "Trading in Religion". They teach us about accusing, abusing and
killing the non-Muslims. They try to hypnotize us to Hate and Kill the non-Muslims and brethren of other sects or be killed and without using any
common sense, we readily believe in whatever is being said by these Hate Mongers. Actually, they are "Agents of Satan" who is paying them
heavily and in return they are cutting at the very roots of the Ummah. Instead of "Mourning" most of the Muslims are rejoicing on the brutal
killings of the non-combatant innocent civilians and "The Murderers" have always been "Our Great Heroes".
Before it is too late and the Curse Of God falls upon us, we should use common sense, find out the TRUTH and must change ourselves to save
Muslims from becoming the most "Hated, Isolated, Discredited and Suspicious" people in the world. We must start working for promoting
"Sectarian Harmony and Religious Tolerance" in the society and should prove to the WORLD through our deeds that Islam is not a religion of
Zero Tolerance and Mohammed (PBUH) teaches "Love & Peace" and not Gangsterism, Terrorism, Barbarism, Extremism, Sectarianism,
Cruelty, Inhumanity and "Hatred & Killing" of the innocent civilians.
Islam is a religion of peace. Islam teaches respect and love for all even the animals. But many narrow-minded Muslims have so far failed to learn
anything good from the teachings of Mohammed (PBUH) who preaches love for the peoples of all religions. We are far away from the basic
principle of Islam i.e. "Enjoining the people to do Good and forbidding them from Doing Evil" and thus, possess no quality of the civilized society.
Unfortunately, many of us show Zero Tolerance towards others and have wrongly learnt few thing to be called as good Muslims and those are
"hate" the non-Muslims and "Accusing, Abusing and Cursing" the non-Muslims. ...act of madness?
The killing of others in the name of religion is a Sin. Can a FATHER ever teach his Children to be the permanent Enemies of each other?
The time has come for us to stop readily believing in whatever is being said, read and written by the LIARS/ Hate Mongers. Unfortunately, some
misguided-Muslims believe that the Holy Koran and Holy Prophet (PBUH) both have instructed Muslims that the opponents be KILLED and that
they are simply following the orders.
We should use our own common sense and only believe which is logical, convincing and in the best interest of the humanity.
Why do we hate others so much, may be they are better humans then what we are. My feeling is that the Muslims should unite to discredit and
deactivate the fringe mullahs (Preachers of Hate) who promise a quick trip to paradise to people who have little and sacrifice themselves with
bombs strapped to their bodies. If the mullahs (THE LIARS) thought that it really was a way to paradise they would be strapping bombs to
themselves! Their followers are kept too ignorant to see this for themselves and enlightened Muslims should educate them. We must promote
understanding and peace. We are all watched by the same God and need to help one another, not Hate and Hurt.
Our contention is that the WORLD should resolve the conflicts facing the Muslim World to stop the terrorism. Unfortunately, all the disputes
facing the Muslim World are our self created. The root causes of all the disputes are based on the Muslim Philosophy of Hate against the non-
Muslims. The Muslim literature, teachings and preaching are spreading and injecting this hatred in hearts and minds of the Muslims. Our
intolerant behavior is further proved by the root causes of all the pending conflicts that we (Muslims) cannot live side by side in peace with the
non-Muslims. All the disputes facing Muslim World can be resolved easily, only if we (the Muslims) are able to condemn the "Philosophy of Hate"
created in us by our past and present elders who have divided the peoples of the world in the name of "Religion, Cast and Creed".
Fellow Muslims! if God is one and he loves mankind, we should value each others life and strive to protect each other than thinking that if we kill
we shall have reward. God looks at human beings not as belonging to different religions, that is why the rain falls to all, the sun shines to all and we
all breathe the air freely. We are all created or given life in the very same way- whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jew etc.
Let us learn to love each other sincerely.
The change of heart and mind is possible to achieve if we keep up our relentless efforts for a violence free and peaceful world. We need to preach
love, kindness and humanity with extremist devotion and mission. The mullahs (THE LIARS) and the preachers of HATE must be
excommunicated at every level and we should stop giving them donations as it is our money which is being used by them to spread HATRED for
killing of the innocents.
We must also stop dividing the World into Muslim and non-Muslim blocks. Our political leaders and religious teachers must offer positive ideas.
Without the ability to imagine a better world, we cannot build anything together. Tolerance of the beliefs of other peoples in the world, warmth and
friendship across racial cultures MUST be the objective of all peace loving people worldwide. What is being offered today through religion is
"Death, Destruction and Sufferings".
Merciful God, please give to peoples of the world, the required wisdom and determination, to Forgive and Forget the bitterness of the past and
learn to live in peace like brothers and sisters, by condemning the divisions and hatreds created in us by our past and present elders.
Please Read And Circulate this Message For Peace.
Thank you.
S. A. Rehman, Peace Activist
Do you know what degree of shame, abomination, misery and wretchedness is being heaped on the innocent and peace-following Muslims all over
the world because of this so-called and self styled Jihad of yours?
Do you know how many innocent, unsullied people are being daily butchered as result of this professed Jihad of yours? How many children are
being orphaned and women being widowed precisely for the same reason.
And do you know, killing one faultless human being is like killing the entire humanity. You must definitely be knowing that you will surely be held
accountable for this all bloodshed. Will you, then, be able to face your God? I challenge, no!
Then, why have you become an agent of some hidden hand. Why are you taking the responsibility of the murder of entire humanity to yourself on
his behest.
Why are you dragging the Muslims down? Why are you demeaning Islam by presenting it as a terrorist religion? Acting like this, which religion are
you rendering a great service to? Are you raising the standard of Islam high or you (if you reflect on it) are causing the heads of the followers of
the path of the righteous bow down with shame in-front of the entire humanity.
Today most of the Muslims believe that you are not a true Muslim but planted by the enemies to destroy the image of Islam..
For God's sake, take recourse to sense, and announce a CEASEFIRE at-once so the inhabitants of world may be introduced to that divine aspect of
the Muslims at whose hands no soul suffer, whose words and actions bear no tinge of dichotomy, whose speech when uttered, conveys to others the
message of love and protection, whose thoughts, when thought, are devoted to the well being of others. Herein lies the true success, and herein lies
the victory of the true religion of Allah.
(Peace Activist)
CC:- Dear Muslims, All those who connived with Osama must forswear. The people, who still cooperate with Osama etc, will be the equal partners
in the sin of terrorism. All the criminal elements and their supporters cooperating with Osama Bin Laden and other dissidents, who want to
spread lawlessness and anarchy in the fortress of Islam, have gone astray from the righteous path of Islam and are terribly mistaken. They and
their supporters, who are the copartners in their hideous crime, should recant for the sake of the glory of Islam. They should abjure this path of
evil and try to atone for all the repercussions of all the wrongdoings they have committed so far.
Dear brothers & sisters,
We all need to pray for one another, and to love one another. We should always pray for the safety, peace, love and brotherhood for people all over
the world.
Too bad we can't have an independence day for the entire world. A day of freedom from ignorance, hatred, war, illusions, power and control. A day
where we can all love each other as human beings and toss away the weapons of war, and cast out our fears and hatreds from our hearts into the
graves. We must mourn the graves of the innocents all over the world, and give the children of the world the hope of a peaceful, loving and
beautiful world.
A world full of love and without hatred or fear. A world where we can join hands together and accept one another, regardless of our skin color,
ethnic divisions, religion or nationality. If we don't unite as a human race, then we have condemned the future generation of children a dark and
very grim future.
Think of love, compassion and peace always...
Merciful God, You made all of the people of the world in Your own image and placed before us the pathway of salvation through different Preachers
who claimed to have been Your Saints and Prophets. But, the contradictions (made by us) in the interpretation of Your teachings have resulted in
creating divisions, faith based hatreds and bloodshed in the world community. Millions of innocent men, women and children have so far been
brutally killed by the militants of several religions who have been committing horrifying crimes against humanity and millions more would not be
butchered by them in the future, if You guide and help us find ways to reunite peacefully.
look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the controversial teachings of arrogance, divisions and hatreds which have badly
infected our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; reunite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish
Your purposes on earth; that, in Your good time, all nations and races could jointly serve You in justice, peace and harmony. (Amen)
S.A.Rehman, Peace Activist