de Thomas L. Friedman en
"The New York Times" del 22-1-03
As the decision on Iraq approaches, I, like so many
Americans, have had to ask myself: What do you really think? Today I explain
why I think liberals under-appreciate the value of removing Saddam Hussein. And
on Sunday I will explain why conservatives under-appreciate the risks of doing
so and how we should balance the two.
What liberals fail to recognize is that regime change
in Iraq is not some distraction from the war on Al Qaeda. That is a bogus
argument. And simply because oil is also at stake in Iraq doesn't make it
illegitimate either. Some things are right to do, even if Big Oil benefits.
Although President Bush has cast the war in Iraq as
being about disarmament and that is legitimate disarmament is not the most
important prize there. Regime change is the prize. Regime transformation in
Iraq could make a valuable contribution to the war on terrorism, whether Saddam
is ousted or enticed into exile.
Why? Because what really threatens open, Western,
liberal societies today is not Saddam and his weapons per se. He is a twisted
dictator who is deterrable through conventional
means. Because Saddam loves life more than he hates us.
What threatens Western societies today are not the deterrables,
like Saddam, but the undeterrables the boys who did
9/11, who hate us more than they love life. It's these human missiles of mass
destruction that could really destroy our open society.
So then the question is: What is the cement mixer that
is churning out these undeterrables these angry,
humiliated and often unemployed Muslim youth? That cement mixer is a collection
of faltering Arab states, which, as the U.N.'s Arab Human Development Report
noted, have fallen so far behind the world their combined G.D.P. does not equal
that of Spain. And the reason they have fallen behind can be traced to their
lack of three things: freedom, modern education and women's empowerment.
If we don't help transform these Arab states which
are also experiencing population explosions to create better governance, to
build more open and productive economies, to empower their women and to develop
responsible media that won't blame all their ills on others, we will never
begin to see the political, educational and religious reformations they need to
shrink their output of undeterrables.
We have partners. Trust me,
there is a part of every young Arab today that recoils at the idea of a U.S.
invasion of Iraq, because of its colonial overtones. But there is a part of
many young Arabs today that prays the U.S. will not only oust Saddam but all
other Arab leaders as well.
It is not unreasonable to believe that if the U.S.
removed Saddam and helped Iraqis build not an overnight democracy but a more
accountable, progressive and democratizing regime, it would have a positive,
transforming effect on the entire Arab world a region desperately in need of
a progressive model that works.
And liberals need to take heed. Just by mobilizing for
war against Iraq, the U.S. has sent this region a powerful message: We will not
leave you alone anymore to play with matches, because the last time you did, we
got burned. Just the threat of a U.S. attack has already prompted Hezbollah to
be on its best behavior in Lebanon (for fear of being next). And it has spurred
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah to introduce a proposal to his fellow Arab
leaders for an "Arab Charter" of political and economic reform.
Let me sum up my argument with two of my favorite
sayings. The first is by Harvard's president, Lawrence Summers, who says:
"In the history of the world, no one has ever washed a rented car."
It is true of countries as well. Until the Arab peoples are given a real
ownership stake in their countries a real voice in how they are run they
will never wash them, never improve them as they should.
The second is an American Indian saying "If we
don't turn around now, we just may get where we're going." The Arab world
has been digging itself into a hole for a long time. If our generation simply
helps it stop digging, possibly our grandchildren and its own will reap the
benefits. But if we don't help the Arabs turn around now, they just may get
where they're going a dead end where they will produce more and more undeterrables.
This is something liberals should care about because
liberating the captive peoples of the Mideast is a virtue in itself and because
in today's globalized world, if you don't visit a bad neighborhood, it will
visit you.