Editorial de "Ha´aretz" del 7-1-03

The double bombings in Tel Aviv on Sunday, which took 22 lives and wounded more than 100, are testimony to the fact the Palestinian terror groups continue to use barbaric measures when they indiscriminately attack innocent people in the heart of the city. No cause can justify their horrors. The relative quiet of recent weeks created the illusion that a new awareness had developed on the Palestinian side that would not allow any more suicide bombings. But in effect, that quiet was the result of successful operations foiling attacks and not the result of a reduction in intentions to strike. Apparently, the effort being made by Egypt to create an agreement between the Palestinian groups to cease their attacks has not managed to create the necessary change.

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders refuse to lend a hand to a formula that would cease attacks in general or inside Israel, nor do they distinguish between the policies proposed by Amram Mitzna and those of Ariel Sharon, regarding both as military men who mean to perpetuate the occupation. These organizations believe themselves to be in the forefront of the armed Palestinian struggle, and apparently are no longer prepared to allow the Palestinian Authority to set the agenda for the Palestinians.

The attack in Tel Aviv also proves that the terrorists come from the mainstream of Fatah and the Tanzim. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, as the armed wing of the Tanzim is known, which has claimed responsibility for the Tel Aviv attack, is not willing to accept the authority of the PA or the policies of the Fatah leadership. Given these internal conflicts, it is difficult to see how Egypt will manage to unify the Palestinian ranks to bring about an end to the terror attacks.

But it is not only Egypt that does not have the solution to ending the attacks. The IDF also lacks the solutions. What was described as the destruction of the terror infrastructure has turned out to be a step that only results in temporary lulls, at the heavy price of suffering for the Palestinian population. There were 45 Palestinians killed during the month of December, including innocents. The renewed occupation of the territories is no guarantee of prevention of terror. The idea that always comes up anew, to expel Yasser Arafat, is nothing more than a hollow slogan. In any case, elements like the Islamic Jihad and the Hamas don't regard Arafat as their leader.

Diplomacy alone will not bring an end to terrorism. Terror will cease only if the Palestinian public rejects the terrorists and their commanders and their terrorist activity. But there is no sign on the horizon of such a broad popular movement to uproot terror from within its midst. The Palestinians believe that there is no chance for a broad front against terror when they don't have a track that leads to solving their national problem.

Three weeks before the elections there's no point to expect any political breakthrough. But the Israeli public cannot be blind to the fact that Ariel Sharon and his government have so far rebuffed every political initiative and used the IDF with destructive brutality that harmed the Palestinian population and often contributed to fanning the flames of hatred and violence. Thus, they also share responsibility for the continuing terrible bloodshed.