Artículo de Jim Hoagland en "The
Washington Post" del 8-8-04
Por su
interés y relevancia, he seleccionado el artículo que sigue para incluirlo en
este sitio web. (L. B.-B.)
Using American troops to strike at Afghanistan's
booming opium trade has not been part of the war on terrorism or the U.S.
election-year debate. It is time to change both that strategy and that political
The White House is near the conclusion of a major policy review on
Afghanistan that is likely to expand the role of U.S. forces -- who have focused
on hunting down al Qaeda and Taliban remnants -- and commit them to supporting
new efforts by President Hamid Karzai to uproot drug lords.
That is not as easy a decision as it may seem. The
Pentagon's long-standing reluctance to get deeply involved in counter-narcotics
missions abroad has a sound basis. Soldiers do not have the tools and skills to
excel at law enforcement or agrarian reform, especially when the political
corruption and greed that surround the drug trade make it difficult to tell
friend from foe or peasant from profiteer.
This is an acute problem in Afghanistan, where warlords who helped
Washington bring down the Taliban and have nominally accepted Karzai as their
national leader are also involved in the drug trade, which feeds the heroin
habits of Germany, Britain and other European countries while enriching
traffickers in Pakistan, Iran and Russia.
But the changing nature of the global battlefield and specific events in
Afghanistan require a new approach there. Much more is involved in the decisions
that President Bush will soon make than Karzai's needs for more support to
establish his authority on the ground -- as important as those needs are.
Bush's decisions will help redefine who the enemy is in the greater Middle
East, what tasks Europe and America can realistically share in trying to calm
that region, and perhaps the nature of counterinsurgency in the 21st century.
Those are big ideas, worthy of big discussions. Defining the way forward
in Afghanistan and in Iraq as part of a regional strategy has to be at least as
urgent for the presidential candidates as slamming each other over past votes
and mistakes.
The suggested strategy changes that have worked their way up to Bush from
the Pentagon and his National Security Council staff are intended to help Karzai
extend and solidify his rule nationally if, as expected, he wins the
presidential election in early October. U.S. policy changes would start shortly
after the Afghan vote.
The CIA has already begun to chart the narcotics involvement of local
politicians and militias, especially those who have links to the al Qaeda and
Taliban bands operating along Afghanistan's border with Pakistan. As insecurity
increases in the Afghan countryside, those links seem to be growing.
Moreover, White House and Pentagon hopes have evaporated that the
Europeans, through NATO or bilaterally, would take on significant
counter-narcotics tasks in Afghanistan.
Britain provided only two rickety helicopters for that mission. Germany
invested 29 police officers in training Afghan law enforcement, and other
nations did even less. Haggling inside NATO over who would pay for a half-dozen
helicopters delayed for months the arrival of badly needed counterinsurgency
There has been a broad Western failure to follow up the successful U.S.
military campaign of 2001 with a workable reconstruction agenda in Afghanistan.
USAID projects have not provided alternative livelihoods for poppy-growing
farmers, who reap little of the riches of the drug trade they feed.
The need to broaden the manhunt strategy into one embracing reconstruction
has already been adopted by U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, who has brought
American military commanders into the interagency country team he established at
the embassy in Kabul.
A memorandum that has been making the rounds as part of the Pentagon's own
review goes even further in urging a countrywide counterinsurgency effort. It
was written by Robert Andrews, a retired CIA and Defense Department official for
the Pentagon's Afghanistan group headed by Martin Hoffmann.
"We have to understand better that low-intensity conflict is
high-complexity warfare," Andrews told me when I asked him about the memo. "The
narcotics problem has become a major impediment to ridding Afghanistan of
warlords, the Taliban and al Qaeda. We can shoot an arrow through the heart of
the problem with an integrated counterinsurgency program that hits drug lords
and terrorists."
Using American troops to pursue such an amorphous program must always be a
last resort. But the risks have grown so large in Afghanistan and the stakes are
so huge that a change in strategy must be considered.