Por su interés y relevancia, he seleccionado el artículo que sigue para incluirlo en este sitio web. (L. B.-B.)
Linking al Qaeda to Iraqi terrorist impulses was one of the tasks of the
September 11 commission. And despite claims to the contrary from the Democratic
hopefuls, there were linkages. In the shadowy network of terrorist groups, there
are often alignments involving information-sharing, weapons development, safe
houses and scientific expertise.
The unmistakable rationale for these alignments is future terror attacks
against the United States and Israel. None of this is surprising. Immediately
after September 11, 2001, not only Hamas approached al Qaeda, but Yasser
Arafat's own forces, Al Aqsa Brigades, did so too.
Palestinian terrorists hardly needed al Qaeda to prod them to commit acts of
unspeakable cruelty, the example of September 11 offered direction and new
resolve. For its part, al Qaeda has been pleased its Palestinian allies cite the
Hadith: "Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their supporters."
The idea of killing on behalf of Islam is glorified both by the Palestinian
terror organization and al Qaeda. In addition to the usual sanctification of
suicide bombing, both groups approve of religious-based murder within the
Islamic community.
Muslims who collaborate with the United States or are suspected of doing so
are deemed Murtaddun (apostates) and a sentence of Murtadd Harbi is applied — to
wit, a Fatwa or death sentence. The pertinent Koranic verse is: "The punishment
of those who wage war against Allah and His Prophet and strive to make mischief
in the land, is only this — that they should be murdered or crucified, or their
hands and feet should be cut off on opposing sides."
While al Qaeda's hatred of the United States is only tangentially related to
American support of Israel, the Palestinian terror groups focus on this issue
exclusively. Nonetheless, it is not uncommon for all these organizations to
target the presumptively "unforgivable" sin of American ties to "apostates and
criminals" who rule in Kuwait, Jordan, the Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Saudi
On Dec. 2, 2002, al Qaeda announced establishment of the "Islamic al Qaeda
Organization in Palestine." The announcement declared "a vow of allegiance to
the emir of the Mujahideen, the leader Osama bin Laden, by means of whom Allah
strengthened the Nation of Islam." Calling for an end to regimes that "serve
only the murderous Jews and the Great Satan," the announcement concludes with a
plea to "our brothers in Islam in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to attack the
American interests and the heretical institutions of apostasy.... Death to the
Jews and Zionism; death to America; strength to Allah, Allah is great, and
victory to Islam."
Although rarely reported in the West, al Qaeda now operates in the West Bank
and Gaza at Mr. Arafat's expressed invitation, and with substantial logistical
support. Mr. Arafat had imported Hezbollah fighters from Iran and Syria to
assist with terrorist attacks against Israel; now he has added Osama bin Laden's
Islamic fighters to the deadly terrorist mix.
According to authoritative Israeli intelligence sources, Mr. Arafat
assembled under his wing Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Hezbollah, Jibril's
Popular Front, Iraqi military intelligence units (Palestinian terrorists were
always close to Saddam, even sending Palestine Liberation Army units to help
torture Kuwaitis in 1991), the pro-Iraqi Arab liberation Front, and, since April
2002, al Qaeda. Significantly, the same Israeli sources believe the same
crosscut of Islamic terrorist groups exists nowhere else but in the United
States — though at the moment "only" as sleeper cells.
There is probably little doubt terror strikes against the United States and
Israel are being planned by joint Palestinian terrorist groups and al Qaeda,
supported tactically by Hezbollah. Acknowledging this, Efraim Halevy — former
Mossad chief and national security adviser — correctly identified the
mega-terror menace as authentically "genocidal." Speaking on Dec. 2, 2002, Mr.
Halevy emphasized Israel would respond to such barbarous attacks in ways that
"have not yet been revealed." The United States, too, would surely respond in
ways that could bring counterterrorist operations to new levels.
Arguably, the most important perception that emerges from this analysis is
the terror network has no walls between the various organizations. Palestinian
terrorists have friendly allies in al Qaeda and vice versa. It is therefore
absurd to think Mr. Arafat is a potential American friend and Osama bin Laden an
enemy. They are both enemies.
Faced with the potential of al Qaeda-Palestinian terror, Americans should
understand the unavoidably best approach to threats of mass destruction is
timely, vigorous and dedicated pre-emption against all who threaten us and our
At a minimum, we should stop sending our tax dollars to Yasser Arafat and
his corrupt Palestinian Authority.
Herbert London is president of the Hudson Institute. Louis Rene Beres is
a political science professor at
Purdue University.