Editorial de The New York Times del 5-6-03
One of the most distressing elements of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has been the self-centered way in which each side has viewed the dispute. The Israelis have insisted on their need for security without acknowledging the damage their West Bank settlement program has done, while the Palestinians have focused on lost land and personal suffering as they dismiss the ruinous impact of their terrorist attacks. Neither side has even seemed to try to grasp how the other feels.
That is why yesterday's meeting of President Bush and the Israeli and Palestinian prime ministers in the Jordanian resort of Aqaba was a powerful omen of potential change. As President Bush told reporters afterward: "The prime minister of the Palestinian Authority talked about the suffering of the Jewish people. The prime minister of Israel talked about a Palestinian state." What may set the current peace effort apart from previous failed attempts is the insistence that each leader face the concerns of the other by coming to terms with his own peace spoilers. For the Palestinians, that means violent splinter groups; and for the Israelis, the settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said he would start dismantling illegal settlement outposts and that he supported the idea of a democratic, contiguous Palestinian state meaning unbroken by Israeli Army outposts, roads or settlements and the importance of restoring normal life for Palestinians. Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas denounced "terrorism and violence against Israelis wherever they are." This last phrase "wherever they are" makes clear that violence against Israeli settlers or soldiers is as unacceptable as suicide bombers inside Israel proper. Mr. Abbas also promised to end the frequent incitement against Israel that permeates mosques, media and schools in the Palestinian areas.
The monumental nature of the task facing both leaders and the Bush administration was highlighted when the settlers and the Palestinian radicals back home immediately denounced the meeting and its conclusions. The spoilers may act soon.
Mr. Bush said an American team would help the two sides negotiate and live up to their commitments. This is important, so that radicals do not derail the process and because these first steps must lead to more substantial ones. For Mr. Abbas, this means disarming Hamas and Islamic Jihad. For Mr. Sharon, it means removing real settlements, not just new outposts, where few people live.