Artículo de Robin Wright en “The Washington Post”
del 28/06/2004
su interés y relevancia, he seleccionado el artículo que sigue para incluirlo
en este sitio web. (L. B.-B.)
Con un muy breve comentario al final: ¿PERO CUALES SON LAS
ALTERNATIVAS? (L .B.-B., 28-6-04, 20:30)
The occupation of Iraq has increasingly undermined, and in some cases
discredited, the core tenets of President Bush's foreign policy, according to a
wide range of Republican and Democratic analysts and U.S. officials.
When the war began 15 months ago, the
president's Iraq policy rested on four broad principles: The United States
should act preemptively to prevent strikes on U.S.
targets. Washington should be willing to act unilaterally, alone or with a
select coalition, when the United Nations or allies balk. Iraq was the next
cornerstone in the global war on terrorism. And Baghdad's transformation into a
new democracy would spark regionwide change.
But these central planks of Bush doctrine
have been tainted by spiraling violence, limited
reconstruction, failure to find weapons of mass destruction or prove Iraq's
ties to al Qaeda, and mounting Arab disillusionment with U.S. leadership.
"Of the four principles, three have
failed, and the fourth -- democracy promotion -- is hanging by a sliver,"
said Geoffrey Kemp, a National Security Council staff member in the Reagan
administration and now director of regional strategic programs at the Nixon Center.
The president has "walked away from
unilateralism. We're not going to do another preemptive
strike anytime soon, certainly not in Iran or North Korea. And it looks like
terrorism is getting worse, not better, especially in critical countries like
Saudi Arabia," Kemp said.
As a result, Bush doctrine could become
the biggest casualty of U.S. intervention in Iraq, which is entering a new
phase this week as the United States prepares to hand over power to the new
Iraqi government.
Setbacks in Iraq have had a visible impact
on policy, forcing shifts or reassessments. The United States has returned to
the United Nations to solve its political problems in Iraq. It has appealed to
NATO for help on security. It is also relying on diplomacy, with allies, to
deal with every other hot spot.
"There's already been a retreat from
the radicalism in Bush administration foreign policy," said Walter Russell
Mead, a Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow. "You have a feeling
that even Bush isn't saying, 'Hey, that was great. Let's do it again.' "
Some analysts, including Republicans,
suggest that another casualty of Iraq is the neoconservative approach that
inspired a zealous agenda to tackle security threats in the Middle East and
transform the region politically.
has been replaced by neorealism, even within the Bush
White House," Kemp said. "The best evidence is the administration's
extraordinary recent reliance on [U.N. Secretary General] Kofi Annan and [U.N.
envoy] Lakhdar Brahimi. The
neoconservatives are clearly much less credible than they were a year
The administration would not make a
senior official or spokesman available for quotation by name to support its
policy. But top administration officials insist the Iraq experience has not
invalidated Bush doctrine, and they contend its basic principles will endure
beyond the Bush presidency.
Policy supporters argue that current
realities will keep some form of all four ideas in future policy. "Despite
all the problems of implementation and despite mistakes made by the Bush
administration, I don't see many other choices," said William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard and chief of staff
for Vice President Dan Quayle.
"No one thinks the Middle East
pre-September 11 is acceptable, or that we should work with its dictators. No
one says in a world of weapons of mass destruction we can rule out preemption or that they're not worried about the linkage
between terrorism and states producing weapons of mass destruction," he
said. "So I don't see much of an alternative to the Bush doctrine."
Challenges to its four central tenets,
however, are likely to influence U.S. foreign policy for years, some analysts
The Preemptive
The most controversial tenet of Bush doctrine was also the primary
justification for launching the Iraq war. In the president's June 2002 address
to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Bush said deterrence and
containment were no longer enough to defend America's borders. The United
States, he said, had the right to take preemptive
action to prevent attacks against the United States.
"We must take the battle to the
enemy, disrupt his plans and confront the worst threats before they emerge. In
the world we have entered, the only path to safety is the path of action. And
this nation will act," Bush told cadets.
In the policy's early days, its
supporters hinted that preemption could eventually
justify forcible government change in Iran, Syria and North Korea as well as in
Iraq. But that sentiment is evaporating, because Iraq showed the "pitfalls
of the doctrine in graphic detail," said Ted Galen Carpenter, vice
president for defense and foreign policy studies at
the Cato Institute.
Preemption has been "damaged, if not totally discredited," and the
outcome in Iraq may prove to be "an inoculation against rash action"
by the United States in the future, Carpenter said.
The administration is working overtime to
reduce the sense of alarm that Washington is posed "on a hair
trigger" to launch a new offensive against governments it does not like,
said James F. Hoge Jr., editor of Foreign Affairs
magazine. White House officials are relying on diplomacy to
defuse confrontations over nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, the two
other countries with Iraq that Bush labeled the
"axis of evil."
The administration now contends its
decision was discretionary, not preemptive, because
Saddam Hussein had a decade to meet several U.N. resolutions. U.S. officials
also say that after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, they had to learn to
deal with threats faster -- and proactively.
"The notion that preemption
has been discredited is entirely mistaken," said Robert Kagan, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace who has argued for a muscular approach to international affairs.
"It's a fact of life in the
international system, because of the reality of the proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction," Kagan said. "The normal
lead time that a nation has to protect itself is not what it used to be, so preemption will have to be part of the international
(L. B.-B.)
Bush has repeatedly made clear his intent
to act alone or with a U.S.-led coalition when the international community
balks at confronting perceived threats.
"I will not wait on events while
dangers gather. I will not stand by as peril draws closer and closer. The
United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to
threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons," he said in his
2002 State of the Union address.
Later that year, he told the U.N. General
Assembly that Washington would work with the world body to deal with the
"common challenge in Iraq" but stressed that action would be
"unavoidable" if Hussein did not comply. "The purposes of the
United States should not be doubted," he warned.
Yet Washington has made a grudging
retreat after its limited coalition could not cope with all the problems in
Iraq, analysts say. The shift was evident when the administration turned to a
U.N. envoy to form an interim Iraqi government after two failed U.S. attempts.
It has also deferred to the United Nations to oversee elections and to help
Iraq write a constitution.
"Going it alone doesn't really work
in the world as it exists today," said Mark Schneider, senior vice
president of International Crisis Group, a nonpartisan Brussels-based group
that tracks global hot spots. "We need allies. We become more vulnerable
and exposed when we don't have them."
The administration counters that its
coalition included more than 30 countries, including the majority of NATO
members, and that the idea is far from new. "Every administration reserves
the right with respect to protecting vital American interests to act alone, but
every administration seeks to avoid it," said a senior administration
official involved in Iraq policy.
The War on Terrorism
Bush turned his sights on Iraq within
weeks of the war in Afghanistan. "Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility
toward America and to support terror," he said in the 2002 State of the
Union address. He added later: "The price of indifference would be
Whatever the merits of deposing Hussein,
foreign and domestic polls now consistently show that the failure to find
concrete evidence of significant ties or joint actions between the Iraqi leader
and al Qaeda has dissipated international support for the United States and
generated skepticism at home about the benefits of
the Iraq war.
The Iraq war may even have hurt U.S.
efforts to combat terrorism, analysts say, noting the increase in car bombings,
hostage abductions and beheadings in Iraq as well as oil-rich Saudi Arabia.
"We have assisted al Qaeda in recruiting fresh adherents by the war in
Iraq and the antagonism it's generated," Hoge
The administration is
"drifting," Carpenter said. It "clings to the idea of
state-sponsored terrorism as a motive for the Iraq war, but it was wildly off
the mark," he said. "Afghanistan continues to be the real central
front, to the extent there is a front at all."
U.S. officials say waging war in Iraq was
vital to eliminate a refuge for extremists after Afghanistan.
Early supporters of administration policy
also say the problem is not with the principles, but with their implementation.
Any government has limited chances to enact policy, and early setbacks in
execution can lead the public or policymakers to back away even if the ideas
remain valid, Kristol said.
Promoting Democracy
The most ambitious aspect of Bush
doctrine is pressing for political and economic reform in the Islamic world,
the last bloc of countries to hold out against the democratic tide that has
swept much of the rest of the world. Iraq was to be the catalyst of change.
"Iraqi democracy will succeed -- and
that success will send forth the news, from Damascus to Tehran -- that freedom
can be the future of every nation. The establishment of a free Iraq at the
heart of the Middle East will be a watershed event in the global democratic
revolution," Bush said in a November 2003 speech to the National Endowment
for Democracy.
Although the administration is still
pushing its new democracy initiative for the wider Middle East, Muslim
disillusionment with the United States over Iraq has deeply hurt this goal, analysts
warn. Democratic and Republican foreign policy experts almost unanimously
predict that progress will be much slower than expected even six months ago.
"The idea that the Middle East can
be repaired by external intervention has been seriously damaged. And the ideas
of reform are going to be a much harder sell after Iraq," said Moises Naim, editor of Foreign
Policy magazine.
After six decades as the main mediator in
the region, the United States may also be losing its standing as an honest
broker because of Iraq and the U.S. failure to fulfill
promises to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Naim
The Iraq intervention also discredited
the president's approach to regional peace. "The administration argued
that if you removed the security threat in Iraq, you'd improve the chances of
solving the Arab-Israeli conflict -- that the road to
Jerusalem went through Baghdad. If anything, we learned it's just the other way
around," Hoge said.
Supporters of the administration's
efforts argue that promoting democracy is the oldest goal in U.S. foreign
policy worldwide, dating back more than 200 years. Whatever the current
problems, they contend, it will remain a top goal --
particularly in the Islamic world as a key to countering extremism.
The overall impact of policy challenges
in Iraq, analysts say, is that the Bush White House has been forced back to the
policy center or scaled back the scope of its goals.
They cite the president's appeal for NATO assistance and cutbacks in the
democracy initiative.
"It's a lesson in hubris,"
Carpenter said. "The administration thought it had all the answers, but it
found out through painful experience that it did not."
Yet administration supporters say Iraq
has not produced backtracking or policy reassessment. "Enormously sharp
distinctions are being made between different policy views, which are largely
artificial," Kagan said. "There was an
enormous consensus going into this war and there's a consensus now about what
needs to be done. So we are having a huge, vicious debate, and yet I'm not sure
what the debate is about."
28-6-04, 20:30)
Llevamos tanto tiempo anclados en políticas fracasadas de hace
veintitantos años que los burócratas que ocupan las cúpulas de los partidos
siguen estancados en las inercias diseñadas en los ochenta por la generación
del sesenta y ocho en su ascenso al poder, y se resisten a un cambio que
necesita espíritus despiertos, creatividad y fortaleza. Por ello, sigo insistiendo:
en las Azores estuvo el espíritu de Churchill redivivo, el espíritu de un líder
que supo percibir el peligro y articular la firme defensa de la libertad y la
democracia frente al totalitarismo.
Porque, ¿cuáles son las alternativas a la política de Bush y
Frente a la necesidad de un nuevo liderazgo global ,que
enderece el rumbo de un mundo que se descompone empujado por una
globalización sin dirección, y que corre el riesgo de recaer en el
totalitarismo del fundamentalismo islámico o del populismo occidental, la
alternativa es la confianza ciega en un moralismo abstracto; en un Derecho
internacional inoperante frente a los Hitler aspirantes al apocalipsis
del siglo XXI; en un multilateralismo frecuentemente paralizado por intereses
egoístas, corrupción e infiltración de las instituciones internacionales por
los representantes de las dictaduras; en un pacifismo estúpido que se niega a
ver la realidad tal como es; en una cultura política de ciertas élites
esquizofrénicas incapaces de asumir los valores de la libertad y
Frente al pudrimiento y descomposición del mundo árabe, la
alternativa es no hacer nada: dejar a Hussein y familia continuar destrozando a
los iraquíes; dejar a Arafat recitar monsergas revolucionarias mientras se
embolsa la ayuda europea, el fundamentalismo le come el terreno a los laicos y
el terrorismo destruye las posibilidades de paz y fomenta el
reaccionarismo hebreo.
Pero ¡qué se le va a hacer!: las selectas burocracias
políticas del mundo occidental no creen que los bárbaros puedan democratizarse,
así que prefieren continuar haciendo negocios con las élites corruptas de
aquellas tierras antes que remover el terreno y propiciar la emergencia de las
fuerzas de la reforma, la modernización y la libertad. No se dan cuenta de que
la "guerra de civilizaciones" será el producto de no hacer nada y de
fomentar la putrefacción del mundo árabe, como se viene haciendo desde hace
demasiado tiempo.
La alternativa a la guerra al terrorismo ahora es la guerra de
civilizaciones después. Y esa guerra al terrorismo necesita de acciones
preventivas contra sus redes, en forma de acción policial de diverso grado, o
contra sus Estados cautivos o afines, mediante diversos medios de los cuales no
cabe excluir por definición la guerra.