Artículo de Fareed
Zakaria en "The Washington Post" del 10-8-04
Por su interés y relevancia, he
seleccionado el artículo que sigue para incluirlo en este sitio web. (L.
Who could have imagined that alliance management
would be a hot election issue? But it is. John Kerry's repeated pledge to
restore relations with U.S. allies has struck a chord. The trouble is, if he is
elected president, Kerry is going to find that promise hard to keep -- at least
with America's allies in Europe. Most of them would be delighted to see Kerry
win, but that doesn't mean they will be more cooperative on policy issues.
Terrorism is understandably on everyone's mind, but there is yet another growing
danger over the horizon. Early into a Kerry administration, we could see a
familiar sight -- a transatlantic crisis -- except this time it wouldn't be over
Iraq but Iran.
The threat to the United States from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, if
they ever existed, is in the past. Iran, on the other hand, is the problem of
the future. Over the past two years, thanks to tips from Iranian opposition
groups and investigations by the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has
become clear that Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons. In the words of
the agency, Iran has "a practically complete front-end of a nuclear fuel cycle,"
which leads most experts to believe it is two to three years away from having a
nuclear bomb.
European countries were as worried by this
development as Washington, and because the United States has no relations with
Iran, Europe stepped in last fall and negotiated a deal with Tehran. It was an
excellent agreement, under which Iran pledged to stop developing fissile
material (the core ingredient of a nuclear bomb) and to keep its nuclear program
transparent. The only problem is, Iran has recently announced that it isn't
going to abide by the deal. As the IAEA's investigation became more serious,
Tehran became more secretive. One month ago the agency condemned Iran for its
failure to cooperate. Tehran responded by announcing that it would resume work
in prohibited areas.
That's where things stand, with the clock ticking fast. If Iran were to go
nuclear, it would have dramatic effects. It would place nuclear materials in the
hands of a radical regime that has ties to unsavory groups. It would signal to
other countries that it's possible to break the nuclear taboo. And it would
revolutionize the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and Egypt would feel threatened by
Iran's bomb and would start their own search for nuclear technology. (Saudi
Arabia probably could not make a bomb but it could certainly buy necessary
technology from a country such as Pakistan. In fact, we don't really know all of
the buyers who patronized Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan's nuclear
supermarket. It's quite possible Saudi Arabia already has a few elements of such
a program.) And then there is Israel, which has long perceived Iran as its
greatest threat. It is unlikely to sit passively while Iran develops a nuclear
bomb. The powerful Iranian politician Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has publicly
speculated about a nuclear exchange with Israel. If Iran's program went forward,
at some point Israel would almost certainly try to destroy it with airstrikes,
as it did on Iraq's reactor in Osirak. Such an action would, of course, create a
massive political crisis in the region.
In the face of these stark dangers, Europe seems remarkably passive.
Having burst into action last fall, it does not seem to know what to do now that
Iran has rebuffed its efforts. It is urging negotiations again, which is fine.
But what will it tell Iran in these negotiations? What is the threat that it is
willing to wield?
Last month the Brookings Institution conducted a scenario with mostly
former American and European officials. In it, Iran actually acquires fissile
material. Even facing the imminent production of a nuclear bomb, Europeans were
unwilling to take any robust measures, such as the use of force or tough
sanctions. James Steinberg, a senior Clinton administration official who
organized this workshop, said that he was "deeply frustrated by European
attitudes." Madeleine Albright, who regularly convenes a discussion group of
former foreign ministers, said that on this topic, "Europeans say they
understand the threat but then act as if the real problem is not Iran but the
United States."
U.S. policy toward Iran is hardly blameless. Washington refuses even to
consider the possibility of direct talks with Iran, let alone actual relations.
Europeans could present Washington with a plan. They would go along with a
bigger stick if Washington would throw in a bigger carrot: direct engagement
with Tehran. This is something Tehran has long sought, and it could be offered
in return for renouncing its nuclear ambitions.
But for any of this to happen, Europe must be willing to play an active,
assertive role. It must stop viewing itself merely as a critic of U.S. policy
and instead see itself as a partner, jointly acting to reduce the dangers of
nuclear proliferation. And it should do this not as a favor to John Kerry but as
a responsibility to its own citizens and those of the world.